The Woo of Self-Care

Friends, we’re putting this passion project on hiatus while we stay home with our families and ride out the coronavirus. In this previously recorded conversation, we are talking about the woo of self-care. We could not have planned a better episode as our "final" for a while! We talk about what self-care is (and is not). We share our favorite rituals, of course! We also have a conversation about boundaries, energy, and social media... of all things.

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Human Design and Woo

Today we're getting woo woo with Human Design. This is a topic we’ve mentioned a lot in past episodes and we’re excited to take a deeper dive. Jordan isn't an expert, but she is a bit of a Human Design enthusiast! We explain how to find your chart, review the 5 energy types, and talk about the different authorities. We also chat about centers, gates + channels, and profiles. We share our favorite resources and discuss how we practice HD in our everyday lives.

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Everyday Manifesting

Today's conversation is about about everyday manifesting. From small practices, to ongoing rituals, we share how we manifest in our everyday lives. We break down the difference between manifesting and goal setting. We talk about fairy godmothers, alignment before action, and our take on being high vibe. Is there a formula for manifesting? What does "calling in" mean? Do we need to release to receive? Does the universe have our back? We answer all these questions and more.

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The Woo of Crystals

Today we’re getting woo-woo with our crystal life! Jordan has been into pretty rocks for a long time and they've become one of Kaileen's high-vibe obsessions in the past year. We talk about why crystals have become so popular, how we interact with ours in everyday life, and we share our fave resources and rituals.

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TV, Shows, and Woo

Today we're talking about TV, shows, and woo! We talk through our all-time faves, shows to binge, and guilty pleasures. We discuss how shows can impact our energy and where we find the woo in watching TV. Kaileen laughs at herself for her lost dream of being on a reality show. Jordan shares how TV shows can help us dream bigger and find expanders for our manifestations.

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The Woo of Gratitude & Appreciation

Want to raise your vibration with gratitude, appreciation, and woo? In this episode, we talk about our favorite gratitude rituals and resources. Jordan shares how being grateful for the opportunity to change brings her peace. Kaileen talks about the small ways she appreciates everyday life. Through this conversation, we decide that gratitude is a cheap and easy form of self-care!

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The Woo of Everyday Life

Today we’re talking about the woo of everyday life. From our routines and schedules to the habits that sometimes go unexamined. We talk about the most woo and least woo parts of our days. Kaileen asks why her woo-woo moments are when she's alone? Jordan shares about being intentional vs. being on autopilot. We chat about rituals and Human Design. We share thoughts on parenting, running households, and basic stuff like taking out the trash and grocery shopping. Is there woo in everyday life? We think so!

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Beauty Woo, Part Two

We are back for Beauty Woo, Part Two! When our first beauty episode aired, our conversation was about the history, philosophy, and vibes of beauty. Today is all about our makeup and skincare faves! Kaileen shares her desire for ease in all things and Jordan gives a rundown of her weekly routine. We talk about how lipstick saves lives and what we do about facial hair. We get into our rituals, the woo products we love, and what we're still seeking when it comes to beauty.

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Journey Through the Chakras

We are taking a journey through the chakras in today's episode. Our conversation covers topics from food and crystals to aura portraits and Ayurveda. We chat about the ancient, universal wisdom in the chakra system... and we ask ourselves how it overlaps with newer systems like Human Design and Enneagram? Do you have a chakra that needs a little more love? Listen in to find out!

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The Woo of Sleep

We’ve been talking about how we should do an episode on sleep… and today is the day. We ask, what is sleep? What would happen if we thought of it as a spiritual practice or an act of self care? We share about our relationships with sleep before and after becoming mothers. We talk about supplements and substances, plus we share our routines and rituals for better sleep.

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